Eye Tonic là sản phẩm dược thảo giúp cung cấp dinh dưỡng cho mắt và hỗ trợ chức năng mắt được khỏe mạnh.
Helps provide nourishment to the eyes and support healthy eyes function.
Các sản phẩm của TN America Herbs do bác sĩ Thomas Trọng Võ độc quyền nghiên cứu và phát triển, được sản xuất theo tiêu chuẩn GMP của Mỹ và được xác nhận bởi Hiệp hội Sản phẩm Tự nhiên (Natural Products Association – NPA).
Actions & Indications:
- Reduces swelling and expels pus for early stages of surface sore and carbuncles,
- if the sore Ulcer or carbuncle has not yet surfaced; this herb will help reducing the swelling.
Actions & Indications:
- Invigorates the blood and promotes the movements of Qi, expels wind, alleviates pain.A leading herb for
- any externally-contracted wind disorder characterized by headache, dizziness or painful obstruction.
ANGELICA SINENSIS: Sweet, Acrid, bitter, Warm.
Actions & Indications:
- Tonifies blood regulates menses for blood deficiency, ashen complexion, tinnitus.
- Invigorates and harmonizes blood, for blurred vision.
Actions & Indications:
- Tonifies the middle burner and augments Qi for lack of appetite, fatigue, tired limbs, strengthens the Qi and nourishes fluids, tonifies Lung.
GLYCYRRHIZA URALENSIS : Sweet , neutral, (raw) Sweet ,Warm.
Actions & Indications:
- Moderates and harmonizes the harsh properties of other herbs.
LYCIUM BARBARUM : Sweet , neutral.
Actions & Indications:
- Nourishes and tonifies liver and kidneys for yin and blood deficiency symptoms as : sore back and legs, benefits the essence and brightens the eyes for liver and kidneys deficiency,
- where the essence and blood are unable to nourishes eyes. Manifestations include dizziness , blurred vision.
Actions & Indications:
- Drains fire and relieves toxicity for heat with blazing , clears heat topically , used topically for red and painful eyes and ulcerations of the tongue and mouth .
PLATYCODON GRANDIFLORUM : bitter , Acrid , Neutral.
Actions & Indications:
- Direct the effect of other herbs to the upper regions of the body.
DENDRANTHEMA GRANDIFLORUM : sweet , bitter , Slightly Cold .
Actions & Indications:
- Clear the liver and eyes for either wind heat in liver channel manifested in red painful and dry eyes or excessive tearing or yin deficiency of the liver and
- kidneys with such symptoms as : spots in front of eyes , blurred vision or dizziness.
LIGUSTRUM LUCIDUM : Bitter , Sweet , neutral.
Actions & Indications:
- Nourishes and tonifies liver and kidneys with such symptoms as: dizziness , spots before the eyes, soreness of lower back,premature graying of hair.
Actions & Indications:
- Tonifies the kidneys and also stabilizes and binds , because this herb moistens and is neither hot nor cold . it benefits both the yin and yang of lung and kidneys.
REHMANNIA GLUTINOSA : sweet ,bitter ,Cold .
Actions & Indications:
- Clear heat and cool the blood , nourishes yin and generates fluids , cool the upward- blazing of heart fire for mouth and tongue sore and irritability, insomnia afternoon and low-grade fevers and malar flush
Actions & Indications:
- nourishes yin , tonifies essence, blood such symptoms as ; pallid complexion ,palpitations , insomnia.
GARDENIA AUGUSTA : Bitter , Cold .
Actions & Indications:
- Clear heat and eliminates irritability for heat patterns with fever , irritability , restlessness a stifling sensation in chest ,insomnia.
**These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.