Customers share on the product, Hair Tonic (22) Customers share about Hair Tonic (22) Posted by TN Dược Thảo 18 Sep Read More Let’s listen to the customers of TN America Herbs and share about how they feel about using our products. Ba Le Bo Toc 2.23min RBa Uyen Bo Toc 1minRBac Bay Bi rung toc 2.22min RChi My Ngoc Bi rung toc 2minRChi Yen Co Em Bi Hoi Dau 3.25minRChong Bi Rung Toc 1.40minRCo Ba Nguyen Bo Toc 2.13minRCo My Ngoc Bi rung toc _ Dau nhuc 4.08min RCo Phuong Bi Rung TocCon Gai Bi Toc Bac 2.30minRDau Ten Bo toc-hedatamo 3minROng David Bo Toc 4.55min R Facebook Twitter Google Email Pinterest